Heather - Emerald lake was one of my favorite places when I lived out west!! Such a beautiful location all year round!!!  4.26.11, 6:26pm

Michelle Boucher - This is where I met my partner 10 years ago. Would love to see more photos from Emerlad Lake.  4.21.11, 10:23pm

Connie - Breath taking!  3.23.11, 7:44pm

Jo Ann - Congratulations Fiona & Kevin. I was thinking of you all this weekend. Can hardly wait to see more photos by your remarkable photographer. I am sure it was a beautiful weeding. Again, Congratulations!  3.20.11, 8:33pm

Tisha Robinson - I was thinking of you and Gill, John and Matt all week, knowing in advance what the plans were! And knew it would be glorious! And it was! Many, many congratulations!!!Love is great!!!!  3.20.11, 7:53pm